Tuesday, January 22, 2008


No, this is not a post about the Numbers, that mysterious cult of Superheros known for their man-devouring she-devil superpowers. (That is a lengthy post for another day.)

This is about my commitment to numbers. As in: I am committing to the number 100. Because it's a nice, round, easy to remember number. Easy to divide. Easy to double, easy to figure out percentages, but not so long with staggering numbers of zeros and commas that would make me quiver with fear and incomprehension, like the national debt or the amount of shoes/lipsticks/holey underwear scattered around my closet. Here's the breakdown:


* Days between now and May 1 I will eat 500 calories less than I need
* Times I have done just that. Will the 101st time be the last?
* Dollars I will save in those days by not drinking wine
* Percent better I will feel at the end of that period of time
* Inches I need to lose on my thighs and ass

OK, I faked that last number but not by much.

This is Day Two. Only 98 to go!


Beth said...

I'm trying to eat the less calories too.
I hate it.
In my next life, I want one of those metabolisms where I can eat everything I want and still remain stick thin and never, ever have it catch up with me.
Why can't I have a recurring dream like that instead of failing tests and teeth falling out?

Beth said...

Oh, and I linked to you today! Makes it easier for me to pop on over here.

Terri said...

Woot!!! Linked back! Cool!

christelpistol said...