Tuesday, January 15, 2008


If a single word could sum up this month so far, it would be DUMP. And all its derivatives.

1. I am pudgy, flabby, pasty, and just generally dumpy right now. Ick. (See Dumpy Nerd Kid.)
2. Work is being dumped on my head. Stupid work.
3. Everyone in my house is down in the dumps because of the weather.
4. Even my sweet little ten-year-old boy that I have nicknamed "dumplin' " is down in the dumps, and that's rare.
5. The dog won't take a dump unless my husband's out in the yard with him, which means the hubster is crabby because of the forkin' weather.
6. My finances are in the dumpster.

signed, Dumpy Diva.


christelpistol said...

sounds lke the ONLY thing you need now....


Allie said...

mmmmmmmmm cake.

Terri said...

Which I would dump into my mouth, adding to the problem. Must focus on something other than dumps.